Our Programmes
Simple Technology Solutions
A $600 sponsorship will ensure an RSE worker receives a biomass solar powered cookstove. For every cookstove sponsored $25 will be donated to the Fred Hollows Foundation to help fund vital cataract surgeries and $200 will go towards our community fund to help fund local projects.
Micro - Entrepreneurship
In collaboration with corporate sponsors, V2V will administer a fund to enable RSE workers to set up small businesses in their home countries. An RSE worker may apply for up to a $5,000 interest free business loan and benefit from ongoing mentorship.
Student Scholarships
Scholarships will be provided to secondary school students throughout the Pacific from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Community Projects
Community funds will help finance community projects that improve social and environmental outcomes.
Our First Initiative - Clean Cooking
As part of the sponsorship each worker will be given a biomass
solar-powered Cookstove. The distribution of 'Clean Cookstoves'
throughout the Pacific Islands will provide a pathway to enabling
social, environmental and economic change. On top of the
environmental and health benefits, this directly addresses
inequality for women and children, freeing up their time to embark
on education and enterprise.
As well as providing a means of clean cooking, the stove’s solar
powered battery will also enable charging of mobile devices and
lighting. This then creates a platform of connectivity that in turn
enables other community initiatives and micro-enterprises.

The unsustainable harvesting of wood is causing massive deforestation, especially in Africa.
Around 2.6 billion people in the world do not have access to modern, clean energy. This restricts them to using open fire cookstoves which emit high levels of smoke, exposing users to Household Air Pollution (HAP). Without access to electricity, these households must resort to buying paraffin and candles for lighting, as well as extra phone charging costs.
Over 4 million people in the developing world die every year from illnesses attributable to HAP. Most of these are women. Diseases related to HAP kill more people every year than AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis combined.
21% of global black carbon emissions come from residential fuel burning, mostly in the developing world.
Sponsor an RSE worker for $600 AND MAKE AN IMPACT in 4 ways
By Gifting an RSE worker a Biomass Solar-powered Cookstove to take home to their community, reducing the harmful environmental and social impacts of open-fire cooking.
With every Cookstove a $25 donation will be made to the Fred Hollows Foundation for cataract surgeries in the Pacific, acknowledging the harmful effects of open-fire cooking on eye health.
Make a contribution of $200 this will be made to a community fund to finance community initiatives and micro-enterprise for enterpunership. As more RSE workers are sponsored the funds will grow.
Support your worker to participate in a network of mentoring and training through our partner network while here in NZ.
Contact us for tailored sponsorship options.

Our vision is 'Changing Lives in the Pacific'
Our mission is 'Communities helping Communities'

Joyce Iaris
Pilot programme participant 2021
I am Joyce Iaris, I have been part of the New Zealand RSE scheme for 13years. This Season I have been with Focus Labour Solutions on vineyardsthroughout Marlborough spending a lot of my time at Dog Point Vineyards. Ilive in the Port Villa Capital of Vanuatu. My village is called Teuma GreenHill. We have a church and a primary school. We grow our own food andcrops using rain water, cyclone Pam flattened our houses and crops, wehad to rebuild our house, replant our crops and gardens. This was hard andused all our income. My dream when I go home is to start a small businessselling our pineapple and other crops, I will buy them from my family andcommunity and sell in the big markets in Port Villa and hope to find amarket to bring them to NZ. In my rest time I walk and visit family, swimand go to church, I love to play volleyball. Being part of the Impacteducation program with Entrepreneurial Women with Purpose and Villageto Village Charitable trust has help us communicate, discuss and shareideas, making us feel positive about ourselves and the possibilities for thefuture. l feel so supported by the mentors, Cath, Jill, Sarah, Tracy, Alex andMandy. Thank you to my mentors and my sponsor I have enjoyed andgained so much from this program.

Isabel Ronnie
Pilot programme participant 2021
My Name is Isabel Ronnie, I have been working for Focus Labour Solutionson vineyards throughout Marlborough spending a lot of my time at DogPoint Vineyards. I have been part of the RSE Scheme for 13 years.
I am from a small island of 4 villages called Tongariki, my village is calledLeiwaima, it is only a small community of about 50 people. We grow ourown food from the garden, our village has a church and a primary schoolwhich combines the kids from 4 villages together.
In my village most houses are built from local materials such as wild caneand coconut leaves, only a few houses are built from iron roofing. Wecollect rain water and store it in wells and tanks.
When I return home from working this year I would like to generate incomeby sewing the ZECO bags and selling them at the market.
My future dream is to further my studies in running a small business.
I love spending time with different people and learning from them so
being part of the Impact education program with Entrepreneurial Womenwith Purpose and Village to Village Charitable trust has been a wonderfulopportunity. To be supported by the mentors, Cath, Jill, Sarah, Tracy, Alexand Mandy has been so amazing, I now know I can reach my dreams.
Thank you to my mentors and my sponsor. I am so privileged.